Shinhae (Joseph) Kim
Logo Ph.D Student, Cornell University

Hey, there! My name is Shinhae Kim. I'm a first-year PhD student at Cornell University.

My research area includes the intersection of Software Engineering and Machine Learning. I'm very fortunate to be co-advised by Prof. Saikat Dutta and Prof. Owolabi Legunsen. I'm also honored to be awarded the Veena & Induprakas Keri PhD Fellowship from Cornell Graduate School.

Before joining Cornell, I spent two wonderful years at KAIST for my master's degree, advised by Prof. Sukyoung Ryu. Then, I worked as a full-time researcher for four and a half years at National Security Research Institute in South Korea.

Excited to start a PhD journey! Hope more things to come in this page!

  • Cornell University
    Cornell University
    Ph.D. in Computer Science
    Aug. 2024 - Current
    M.S. in Computer Science
    Feb. 2018 - Feb. 2020
    "A Survey on Security of Blockchain Smart Contracts: Techniques and Insights"
  • Handong
    Handong Global University
    B.S. in Computer Science
    Mar. 2014 - Feb. 2018
    Summa Cum Laude (Major GPA: 4.4/4.5)
Work Experience
  • National Security Research Institute
    Researcher, Software Security Lab.
    Jan. 2021 - Apr. 2024
    (1) Fuzzing for JavaScript Just-in-Time Compiler
    (2) Static Variant Analysis for Chrome Vulnerabilities
    (3) Vulnerability Analysis of National Java Web Framework
  • National Security Research Institute
    Researcher, Quality Assurance Lab.
    Dec. 2019 - Dec. 2020
    Unit Testing of Safety-Critical Embedded Software
This page is open! Look forward to more contents in this page 🙃
Sep 5
Started my PhD journey at Cornell! 🎉
Aug 26
EtherDiffer: Differential Testing on RPC Services of Ethereum Nodes

Shinhae Kim and Sungjae Hwang

The ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE) 2023

This paper addressed the question: Do Ethereum node implementations in different programming languages behave consistently? We developed novel test case generation techniques based on the specification and detected 48 kinds of 'deviations.' Acknowledgements from both specification and node developers as well as bug patches followed.

Analysis of Blockchain Smart Contracts: Techniques and Insights

Shinhae Kim and Sukyoung Ryu

IEEE Secure Developement Conference (SecDev) 2020

Analysis research on blockchain smart contracts has been a boom! However, what are the research trends, open challenges, and promising research directions? This paper presented the first comprehensive survey that explored both static analysis and dynamic testing approaches on smart contracts.

A Comparison of Static Analysis Tools on Accuracy of Memory Error Detection

Shinhae Kim and Minjeong Kim

Korea Computer Congress (KCC) 2020

There exist a variety of static analyzers out there, both from academia and industry. But which analyzer should we choose in which occasion? This paper compared two open-sourced and two commercial well-known analyzers in terms of their detection capability on three major types of memory errors.

Parametric Image Generation and Enhancement in Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography

Shinhae Kim, Eunlim Lee, Eunbee Jo and Hojoon Kim

KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering (KTSDE) Vol. 6, No. 4, 2017

This paper proposed image processing techniques that improved usability and performance in a diagnostic system of the contrast-enhanced ultrasonography.